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Please review these terms carefully before using our website.

What do these terms cover?

These terms of use govern your use of our website,, including accessing, browsing, or filling out forms.

Who we are and how to contact us:

Dodo operates under DOWITHDODO LTD, a limited company registered in England and Wales; company registration number 15512148. You can reach us via email at or by requesting a call back, here

Acceptance of terms:

By using our site, you agree to these terms. If you disagree, please refrain from using our site. We recommend saving or printing these terms for future reference.

Additional terms:

These terms incorporate our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms and Conditions for service purchases.

Changes to terms:

We may update these terms periodically. Please review them each time you use our site. The last update occurred on 16.05.2024.

Site changes:

We may modify our site and its content. However, content may not always be current, and updates are not guaranteed.

Site availability:

While we strive for uninterrupted access, we may suspend or withdraw our site as needed. You're responsible for accessing our site and complying with these terms and applicable laws.

Site jurisdiction:

Our site is intended for UK property-related use.

Use of site material:

You may use our site's content for personal use but not for commercial purposes without permission.

Content reliance:

Our site provides general information. Seek professional advice before acting on it. We aim for accuracy but don't guarantee it.


We're liable where applicable law requires. Different terms apply to service purchases.

Prohibited use:

You must use our site lawfully and avoid unlawful or fraudulent activities.

Virus disclaimer:

We can't guarantee virus-free browsing, so use antivirus software and avoid malicious activity.

Linking to our site:

Fair and legal linking is permitted, but we may revoke permission at any time.

External links:

We're not responsible for external website content or their policies.

Breach consequences:

Failure to comply with terms may result in actions such as site access withdrawal or legal proceedings.

Legal jurisdiction:

Disputes are governed by English law, with English courts having jurisdiction.


Thank you for visiting our website.